



  英语小笑话 篇1

  A Useful Way 一个有效的方法

  Father: Jack, why do you drink so much water?

  Jack: I have just had an apple, Dad。

  Father: What"s that got to do with it?

  Jack: I forgot to wash the apple。





  英语小笑话 篇2


  After supper, the parents were busy playing mah-jong with the guests。 At this point the mother thought of something and said to her son who was watching TV, "Honey, go see if the kitchen light is on or not?" After a while, her son returnedand said, "Ma, the kitchen is so dark that I cannot see it at all。"

  晚饭后,父亲和母亲都忙着和客人玩麻将,这时母亲忽然想起点儿事来,便对正在看电视的儿子说道:“宝贝,去看看厨房里的灯是不是还开着呢?” 过了一会儿,儿子回来说:“妈,厨房里太黑了,我根本就看不见。”

  英语小笑话 篇3

  Toms excuse 汤姆的借口

  Teacher: Tom, why are you late for school every day?

  Tom: Every time I e to the corner, a sign says, School-Go Slow。



  英语小笑话 篇4


  Three turtles decided to have a cup of coffee。 Just as they got into the cafe, it started to rain。

  The biggest turtle said to the smallest one, " Go home and get the umbrella。"

  The little turtle replied, "I will, if you dont drink my offee。"

  "We wont," the other two promised。

  Two years later the big turtle said to the middle turtle, "Well, I guess he isnt ing back, so we might as well drink his coffee。"

  Just then a voice called from outside the door, "If you do, I wont go。"






  英语小笑话 篇5

  "Excuse me,but the seat youve taken is mine。"

  "Yours?Can you prove it?"

  "Yes,I put a cup of ice cream on it。"




  英语小笑话 篇6


  Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents house。 At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside their beds to say their prayers, when the younger one began praying at the top of his lungs: "I pray for a bicycle。 I pray for a new toy。"


  His older brother leaned over, nudged him and said, "Why are you shouting your prayers? God isnt deaf。"


  To which the little brother replied, "No, but Grandma is!"


  英语小笑话 篇7

  Where is the father?

  Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings。

  "Look," said the elder brother。 "How nice these paintings are!"

  "Yes," said the younger, "but in all these paintings there is only the mother and the children。 Where is the father?"

  The elder brother thought for a moment and then explained, "Obviously he was painting the pictures。"






  英语小笑话 篇8

  The poor husband

  "You cant imagine how difficult it is for me to deal with my wife," the man plained to his friend。 "She asks me a question, then answers it herself, and after that she explained to me for half an hour why my answer is wrong。



  英语小笑话 篇9

  Put your feet in

  The school girl was sitting with her feet streched far out into the aisle ,and was busily chewing gum, when the teacher espied her。 "Mary !" called the teacher sharply。 "Yes,Madam?" questioned the pupil , "Take that gum out of your mouth and put your feet in!"



  英语小笑话 篇10

  A father of five came home with a toy, summoned his children and asked which one of them should be given the present, “Who is the most obedient, never talks back to mother and does everything he or she is told?” he inquired。 There was silence and then a chorus of voices: “You play with it, Daddy!”


  英语小笑话 篇11

  Intelligent son

  One day, the father lets eight year-old son send a letter, the son took the letter , the father then remembered didnt write the address and addressees name on the envelope。

  After the son es back, the father asks him: "You have thrown the letter in the mail box?"


  "You have not seen on the envelope not to write the address and the addressee name?"

  "I certainly saw nothing written on the envelope。"

  "Then why you didnt take it back?"

  "I also thought that you do not write the address and the addressee, is for does not want to let me know that you do send the letter to who!"



  儿子回来后,父亲问他:“你把信丢进邮筒了吗?” “当然”“你没看见信封上没有写地址和收信人名字吗?”



  英语小笑话 篇12

  Dentist: Please stop howling。 I havent even touched your tooth yet。

  Patient: I know。 But you are standing on my foot!



  英语小笑话 篇13

  Let Dog in Hotel

  A man wrote a letter to a small hotel he planned to visit on his vacation: "I would very much like to bring my dog with me。 He is well-groomed and very well behaved。 Would you be willing to permit me to keep him in my room with me at night?"

  An immediate reply came from the hotel owner, who said, "Ive been operating this hotel for many years。 In all that time, Ive never had a dog steal towels, bedclothes, silverware or pictures off the walls。 Ive never had to evict a dog in the middle of the night for being drunk and disorderly。 And Ive never had a dog run out on a hotel bill。 Yes, indeed, your dog is wele at my hotel。 And, if your dog will vouch for you, youre wele to stay here, too。"


  旅馆主人立即回了封信,“我经营旅馆很多年了,狗从没偷过毛巾,床单, 餐具,或者墙上的画。我也从没有在半夜因为狗喝醉胡闹而赶走它,狗也从不不付帐就跑掉。实际上我们十分欢迎您的狗来我们旅馆,如果它为您担保,也欢迎您来。

  英语小笑话 篇14

  Guest: "Why does your dog sit there and watch me eat?"

  Hotel Host: "I cant imagine, unless its because you have the plate he usually eats from。"



  英语小笑话 篇15

  Kate: Mom, do you know what Im going to give you for your birthday?

  Mom: No, Honey, what?

  Kate: A nice teapot。

  Mom: But Ive got a nice teapot。

  Kate: No, you havent。 Ive just dropped it。






  英语小笑话 篇16

  Does the dog know the proverb, too?

  The little boy did not like the look of the barking dog。

  "Its all right," said a gentleman, "dont be afraid。 Dont you know the proverb: Barking dogs dont bite?"

  "Ah, yes," answered the little boy。 "I know the proverb, but does the dog know the proverb, too?"





  英语小笑话 篇17

  George es from school on the first of September。

  "George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother。

  "I didnt like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six too。。。"

  9月1日, 乔治放学回到家里。

  “乔治,你喜欢你们的新教师吗?” 妈妈问。

  “妈妈,我不喜欢,因为她说3加3得6, 可之后又说2加4也得6。”

  英语小笑话 篇18

  Dentist: Im sorry, madam, but Ill have to charge you twenty-five dollars for pulling your sons tooth。

  Mother: Twenty-five dollars! But I thought you only charged five dollars for an extraction。

  Dentist: I usually do。 But your son yelled so loud, he scared four other patients out of the office。





  英语小笑话 篇19

  A professor was giving a big test one day to his students。 He handed out all of the tests and went back to his desk to wait。

  Once the test was over the students all handed the tests back in。 The professor noticed that one of the students had attached a $100 bill to his test with a note saying "A dollar per point。"

  The next class the professor handed the tests back out。 This student got back his test and $64 change。




  英语小笑话 篇20

  "Tom, whats the matter with your brother?" asked the mother in the kitchen. "Hes crying."

  "Oh, nothing, Mum," replied Tom. "Im eating my cake. He is crying because I wont give him any."

  "But has he finished his own cake?"

  "Yes." said Tom. "And he also cried when I was helping him finish that."

  "汤姆,你弟弟怎么了?" 妈妈在厨房里问。"他在哭。"

  "没事儿,妈妈," 汤姆答道。"我在吃我的蛋糕。他哭是因为我不给他吃。"


  "是的。" "我帮他吃完时,他也哭了。"

  • 宣传口号200条   1、诚信为本,创新为魂。   2、失败与挫折只是暂时的,成功已不会太遥远!   3、多看一眼,安全保险。   4、抓质量保平安促进度创效益!   5、我与公司荣辱与共,公司与我共同发展。   6、创立精品工程,再展铁军雄风!   7、不要迷恋我们班,中考后就是个传说。   8、团结拼搏务实高效   9、众志成城飞越颠峰。   10、三心二意,扬鞭奋蹄,四面出击,勇争第一   11、质检好比守门员,把关职能记周全。   12、低调低调,三班驾到,不要掌声,只要尖叫。   13、品质一企业致胜的关键。   14、两粒种子,一片森林。   15、认真学习“...x&rdq.[详细]
  • 队名队呼800例   队名队呼(一):   1、欢乐小组:欢乐大本营,天天好情绪!   2、队名:火狼(销售团队);队呼:火舞春秋狼战天下   3、队名:XX(销售团队);队呼:你争我强做业绩,腰包鼓鼓旺XX。   4、哆啦a梦队;队呼:美梦成真!!!   5、队名:我们(别墅营销);队呼:我们携手,别树一帜!   6、队名:天使组:不怕做不到,就怕想不到,做到做不到,试试才明白!   7、队名:野狼团(销售团队);队呼:召之即来来之能战战则必胜永不言败   8、队名:XX(销售团队);队呼:团结一心,其利断金!   9、队名:梦之队;队呼(口号):坚持到底,我们让梦想越飞越高,跟着节奏勇敢地走。   10、队名:奇迹;队呼:不好等待奇迹的发生,正因奇.[详细]
  • 超拽组名100组   这一堆、智商高   这一堆、很重要   这一堆、我最爱   这一堆、杀无赦   这一堆、我珍惜   这一堆、占地方   一分钟遇见   两分钟深知   三分钟热度   四分钟等待   因为遇见你   我的小可耐   我的大傻逼   我的臭死党   我学会珍惜   以前灬   妳没办法陪伴   后來灬   妳不愿意陪伴   現在灬   我不需要陪伴   装逼的日子里   ー张二ы的脸   ー颗傻ы的心   ー个牛ы的梦   ー条苦ы的路   很累   很痛   很难过   很绝望   但不放弃  .[详细]
  • 队名口号  一个队名和一个口号体现的是一个团队的灵魂和精神,所以起一个好的队名十分重要,知道霸气的队名都有哪些吗?下面是小编整理的队名口号,希望对你有所帮助。  队名口号1  1、队名:主旋律,口号:咱们的比赛,我门主导!  2、队名:百事队,团队口号:出单无极限。  3、团队名称:众志(销售团队)  4、开拓进取组:自主是课堂之本,活跃是课堂之魂。  5、队名:还击营,团队口号:还我奖杯,击溃敌队,营养均衡  6、团结号:团结就是力量,奋斗才能成功  7、飞翔小组:智勇双全,我心飞翔。  8、结果组:你有需求,我有结果。  9、队名:兄弟盟!口号:无兄弟,不篮球!  10、泰山(销售团队)  11、星梦小组:点燃星星之火,扬.[详细]
  • 激励员工的口号500条   1、要成功,先发疯,下定决心往前冲!   2、与其临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网。   3、没有什么事情有像热忱这般具有传染性,它能感动顽石,它是真诚的精髓。   4、高峰只对攀登它而不是仰望它的人来说才有真正意义。   5、没有天生的信心,仅有不断培养的信心。   6、每一天提高一点点。   7、如同磁铁吸引四周的铁粉,热情也能吸引周围的人,改变周围的情景。   8、作业考试化,考试高考化,将平时考试当高考,高考考试当平时。   9、天助自助者,你要你就能。   10、情真意切,深耕市场,全力以赴,掌声响起   11、众志成城飞越颠峰。   12、一个有信念者.[详细]
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